Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > walking in Spirit


the walk in Spirit

living with the Earth and the Heavens

May 4, 2019

Saying For Today: Walking in the Spirit entails our whole life, our whole being, lived in honor of and recognition of the Sacred.

each step is the first step

*Brian Wilcox. 'each step is the first step'. Flickr

in Spirit, step-by-step
led and knowing being led
led and not knowing being led
in both following ~ wonderful Grace!

both arise from and in Spirit
the natural, spontaneous flow of Grace
in which Spirit teaches us to walk in Spirit, in Love
and that the walk arises from the Loving and is the Loving

how do you make this make sense
to one who does not walk in Spirit, in this Love?
you cannot, you do not, yet
this walking is the fruit that speaks of the Source

in this walk, Spirit, walker, walk is
one sacred orchestration
effortless means no extra effort
effort only positioning receptively to the flow
then, effort and flow together, in unison ~
a holy unison

as long as you blame others for the situation
you choose to be a victim ~
Spirit is never a victim ~
so this being-a-victim is an illusion, a self-creation

does one, then, only remain passive?
yes and no, passive-in-cooperation
meaning waiting and acting flowing from
the one Grace

how to enter the waiting?
drop all expectation
release all past
rest in pure openness, in silent prayerfulness of being
wherein the totality of your being is united to Being, the Totality

the growth, eventually, leads into
this living always in the waiting
this waiting not a waiting for something
only pure, so not manipulated, graceful receptivity

out of Grace
then flows blessings
no one can claim for himself or herself
all coming as a gift
to be received with gratitude to the Gift-Giver


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > walking in Spirit

©Brian Wilcox 2024